The Unboxing Project at Sainte Croix de Mareuil
Un-boxing at Plas Bodfa (Wales) photo from Julie Upmeyer It's been interesting to follow the Un-boxing project on its travels so far. Gudrun Filipska's Arts Territory Exchange creation, a box of contributions from artists all over the world, has been making its way slowly from one exhibition space to another, and as an artist participant, I get to witness the remarks of curators along the journey. So here I link you through to curator Jane Linden's essay from La Vieille Closerie, Sainte-Croix-de-Mareuil in Aquitaine: " Curatorial Reflections on Un-boxing at Sainte-Croix-de-Mareuil by Jane Linden ". Jane has also posted some photos from the box's visit to France on her instagram: process of Un-boxing at Plas Bodfa photo from Julie Upmeyer part of my own contribution to Un-boxing, displayed at Plas Bodfa photo from Julie Upmeyer