New Video and More Info about Upcoming Show

Gearing up and getting excited about this installation for Gibsons Public Art Gallery, opening February 9th! 

The beauty of installation art is that it's an experience utterly different from the sum of its parts. You see me sharing these little videos as the months go by, but when you come to the show it will be a totally different experience. For one, you'll be walking around in a virtual forest of fabric, light, and sound. Your own movement, breath, and shadow will mix with that of the speakers. One of the things that happens is the juxtaposition of people and ideas--this is as surprising to me as it is to the viewers, because I don't do much planning in this regard. And yet, in the kaleidoscope of our community, there is deep meaning to be found in the connections and contrasts we share.
Here's a little segment of films lined up to project into the installation. It's still very different from how it will be in the gallery, of course, but it does give a taste of some of the many home-related topics that are discussed in the show:

I'm also happy to say that the GPAG will host an exhibition of my oil and graphite works on canvas, concurrently with the  w h a t . h o m e  installation, in the Eve Smart Gallery (right next to the main gallery, where the installation will be). Here's a small collection of some of the pieces that will be included, there.

Top to bottom:
Use My Lungs and Breathe--54x40 inches (triptych)
I'll Fly Away (In the Morning)--60x48 inches
Wash Away the Rain--7 rearrangeable canvases, each 4x12 inches


February 9 to March 5, 2023
Gibsons Public Art Gallery, Gibsons, BC, Canada
Hours: Thursdays through Mondays, 11am-4pm


 February 11, 12-2pm

The Gibsons installation of  w h a t . h o m e  is made possible by its host, the Gibsons Public Art Gallery. The promotion is with great thanks to the Hearth Gallery (Bowen Island/Nex̱wlélex̱wem), the West Vancouver Community Arts Council, Emily Carr Alumni Association, Galleries West, CBC Radio's North by Northwest, and Spilt Milk Gallery.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien.



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