Women in Wartime: Yes We Can

I once installed a show called Woman Story here in my home community. The core of Woman Story is a series of 24 portraits of bald, naked women drawn with graphite, crayon and acrylic wash onto reclaimed panels from my own home. They're actively expressing a complex array of experiences that inform woman-ness, but anonymously, because each of our stories might belong to any one of us. At some point, a local I know distantly ‒ a retired judge and art collector ‒ came in to the gallery and sat down on the bench near the door. He stayed for about forty minutes. I eventually went to sit with him, and asked him what he thought of the show. "Oh, I'm not here for the show." He answered. "I'm waiting for my ride." "Ah. I see." What was I supposed to say next? But he continued. "Is this your work?" He asked, bluntly. "Yes." "Well it's awful. An insult to women." I was completely shocked, but also curious, and asked, ...