gallery: the MAMA Project

MAMA installation: used bed sheets painted with rough images of expressive mothers of all ages are hung on clotheslines around the installation space. The voices of these mothers are broadcast in the room, and their words painted on linens between the portraits, discussing all sorts of mothering experiences and feelings. Viewers are welcome to touch the sheets and to experience at once the diversity and unity that is motherhood. 

Past Installations: Bowen Island, Victoria and Colwood, Gibsons, Burnaby B.C. and Port Townsend, WA

SuperMAMA performance: (Performed twice in full and three times as a solo presentation.) About an hour long -- the artist (Emily van Lidth de Jeude) performs a set of songs and poetry about mothering, while a group of mothers dances, paints, mimes, sings and makes music around her. The performance is backed by white bed sheets on a clothesline, where the real and emotional experiences of motherhood are played out as shadows, film, and movement across the cotton.

Photo: Lynda Rive

MAMA Book available for purchase:

MAMA by Emily van Lidth de Jeude


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