gallery: w h a t . h o m e

The importance of place, community and belonging in our increasingly globalized world

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien.

Photo by Igor Sevcuk

w h a t . h o m e  is an immersive two-channel video installation that digs into feelings of belonging with connection to place and identity. Protagonists are all residents of Canada's Pacific Coast, but have connections and experiences from many varied backgrounds. They talk about their experiences of home, from escaping political and racial tensions in various other countries to growing up in a mud hut and a mansion, to homelessness, displacement, a search for belonging, and varying experiences of colonialism. The project explores the universality of the human search for belonging and home.

"Je raakt aan heel fundamentele vragen voor mensen."
(Translation: You touch upon very fundamental questions of humanity.)

"Such a strong immersive experience, pretty much what is necessary to live inside of individual stories of various people and life. Stressing universal issues through private stories, the installation gives the feeling of privacy without leaving anyone alone."
~guestbook entries from first installation

first installation at Goleb in Amsterdam, May 2018

second installation in Gibsons, Feb 2023

second installation in Gibsons, Feb 2023

first installation at Goleb in Amsterdam, May 2018

Hearth Gallery walkthrough 2023:

Gibsons Public Art Gallery's wrap-up video (I also had a small exhibit of paintings in the adjacent gallery):


 Walkthrough of installation at Goleb in Amsterdam, 2018:

In 2023 I did a SpiltMilk Instagram takeover, where I and my partner Markus documented the Gibsons installation of this show, and compiled the results in this video:

Where to see what.home:
Amsterdam: Goleb, May 11--12, 2018
Gibsons BC: Gibsons Public Art Gallery, Gibsons, BC, Feb 9--Mar 5, 2023
Bowen Island BC: The Hearth Gallery, Bowen Island, BC, Nov 10--25, 2023

Instagram: @what.home
YouTube: Emily van Lidth de Jeude artist channel
Each social media platform and each gallery experience will be different from the others; so subscribe to them all, and visit the installation, too!

CBC Radio NxNW interview
North Shore News Article
Project Goleb announcement
Undercurrent Newspaper

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